Saturday, May 31, 2008

Preview: Next Week

Next week we will discuss the effects of the infamous Disconnection policy that the Church of Scientology uses. The disconnection policy as stated in the Hubbard Communication Office Bulliten:

A Scientologist can become PTS by reason of being connected to someone that is
antagonistic to Scientology or its tenets. In order to resolve the PTS
condition, he either HANDLES the other person's antagonism (as covered in the
materials on PTS handling) or, as a last resort when all attempts to handle have
failed, he disconnects from the person. He is simply exercising his right to
communicate or not to communicate with a particular person.-L. Ron Hubbard, 9/10/83

In essence, it seperates anyone who the CoS feels is an antagonist to
Scientology from said person or family. For example: Say Jane Doe is a Scientologist, but John Doe isn't too cool with Scientology and even urged her to leave. If John didn't stop, he would be 'disconnected', or seperated from Jane. We'll get more in-depth about this next week, but for now, go to these websites for more information:

This is Autononymous, signing off.

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